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Chinese Ambassador to Tonga Liu Weimin Pays a Courtesy Call on Acting Prime Minister of Tonga

(From Chinese Embassy in Tonga)

2024-04-26 05:16

On 25th April, 2024, H.E. Mr. Liu Weimin, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Kingdom of Tonga, paid a courtesy call on Tonga's Acting Prime Minister Samiu Vaipulu.

Ambassador Liu expressed that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of China-Tonga relations and appreciates Tonga's firm adherence to the one-China principle, and has always regarded Tonga as a sincere friend and important partner in the Pacific island region. Under the guidance of the two heads of states, the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Tonga has made significant progress in recent years. China stands ready to work with Tonga to strengthen exchange at all levels, deepen cooperation in various fields, and elevate bilateral relations to a new height.

Hon. Acting Prime Minister Samiu Vaipulu welcomed Ambassador Liu's assumption of office and thanked China for treating Tonga with sincerity and providing much assistance and support for Tonga's socioeconomic development. Tonga highly values its relations with China, firmly upholds the one-China principle, and is willing to enhance friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation with China in various fields.

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